Monday, March 1, 2010

Dial Soap for Men...

So yesterday, I ran out of body wash. While at the store shopping for more, I saw a black bottle with a red label (oh Gendered advertising). It was for Dial - Magnetic. If you're unaware of what this brand is, or claims to do, it is a pheromone enhanced body wash.

Here is a brief rundown of the website:
From that link, you choose one of two areas - "Dial - Magnetic" or "Dial for Men"
If you choose the "Dial-Magnetic" link, you are directed to the second page of that site which asks, "What is your current relationship status?"

The choices are:
1: Utterly Alone
2: Single and Mingle(ing)
3: Hating Dating
4: Relationship Rut
5: Magnetic
Now of course, when you choose one of these options, they do not actually go to different areas. They all lead to the same interactive menu. (I'm wondering if it's just a mini "survey" that Dial uses for some statistic)

So the first message that consumers get when looking at this website is that A) It's wrong to be single (or at least, undesirable)

One of the links, "Magnetic 101", has the second paragraph that states, "We're not saying that our new pheromone enhanced body was will cause you to be attacked by hordes of sex-crazed females, but if that is your end-game, you should consider it a piece of the equation not to be ignored".

When you look at some of the other links, particularly the "How Magnetic Are You? link, you are directed to this message:

Dial for Men Magnetic Attraction Enhancing Body Wash can certainly help you become magnetic, but chemical attraction isn't the only factor. Research has shown time after time that the following factors are of highest importance when a female is choosing her mate: Looks, Personality, Social Status.

So, it seems that the second message that this site is telling us is what Adrianne Rich would refer to as, "Compulsory Heterosexuality". What is compulsory heterosexuality? Basically, it means that people are (for the most part) unconsciously forced into being heterosexual. Nearly every image in nearly every advertisement focuses on heterosexual relationships and attractions. It goes beyond advertising, however. Movies, television shows, family, friends, teachers, etc.; everyone and everything (Aside from the LGBTQ community and its allies) is sending messages that "you're supposed to be straight".

To their credit, the "scientist" explaining the science behind the soap is not the best looking thing on the face of the earth. He actually just seems like the "average" guy. Of course, this is really what advertisers do for males, pick average men, so that they can relate more easily to the product.

1 comment:

  1. what a joke of an ad campaign. if i seriously see one more commercial for "mens" soap or body wash i think im going to lose it.

    im glad you wrote about compulsory heterosexuality. sometimes things are happening around you that you dont even notice, and that would certainly have to be one of them.
