According to the results, males with higher IQs are more sexually exclusive, whereas there is little-to-no correlation with females. Scientists believe that there is this difference between the sexes because evolutionarily, there is no benefit for females to have more than one partner, whereas in human history, it was deemed beneficial for males to have multiple partners to ensure the spreading of their genes.
One of the scientists, Bailey, said that "these preferences [of liberalism, atheism, and sexual exclusivity] may stem from a desire to show superiority or elitism, which also has to do with IQ".
Liberalism, as they define it for the sake of the study, is, "concern for genetically nonrelated people and support for private resources that help those people". The definition leaves out other areas of "liberal" politics such as gun control, gay rights, and abortion, etc.
I just find this whole article interesting, but particularly the section about the difference between males and females. I have always found the evolutionary role very interesting.
I see, looking through the comments, that there is much controversy (go figure) raised over this article. What people have to remember is that this is just a generality, and that it does not apply to all people. And although I do not agree with this article entirely...This makes me want to take an IQ test...
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